Live Webinar Presentation
[PRESCHOOL & CHILDREN'S EDITION] How Your Church Can Be The Change Needed For Kids Facing The Effects of Trauma
In this 90-minute interactive webinar, you will learn about trauma and its effect on children, how to recognize trauma responses and respond with a balance of nurture and structure as modeled in the Bible. 

All registrants will have access to this webinar for one week following the LIVE event.
Webinar Starts In:
JULY 17, 2024 @ NOON EDT
Presented By
Tera Melber
For nearly two decades, Tera Melber has been a foster care and adoption advocate and educator. Tera has served the foster and adoption community as a church ministry leader and a parent coach. 

She is a Trust Based Relational Intervention Practitioner, a Trauma Competent Caregiver Affiliate Trainer, and a Cultivate Connection Facilitator. Tera is the former co-host of The Adopting and Fostering Home podcast. She speaks at various conferences and churches on many topics including trauma informed care and foster care advocacy. 

As an adoptive family, Tera and her husband, David, are the proud parents of six children and three grandchildren.
Emily FURR
She is the Mission Georgia Foster Care Advocate for the West Central Region, an elementary school teacher, a pastor’s wife, and mom of three. They have been foster parents since 2021.
During This Live Training, You'll Discover...
What's Actually Happening?
Discover the reasons the number of troubled children and teens is GROWING
How To Recognize and Discern
Learn the key "lens" you need in order to recognize trauma behaviors
Gain Skills to Respond
Uncover practical tools of connection so that children & youth can hear the message of Christ’s love for them
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